Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Koneksi ke Access Point (enkripsi WPA) via Terminal Memakai WPA Supplicant

Langsung saja ya, gini caranya
1.  wpa_passphrase "nama ssid" "passwordnya" > configfile
contoh: root@bt:~# wpa_passphrase "xxx" "satryadi" > configfile

2.  wpa_supplicant -i[interface] -cconfigfile
root@bt:~# wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -cconfigfile

Kalo berhasil, ada tulisan kayak gini:
Trying to associate with cc:af:78:69:63:70 (SSID='xxx' freq=2462 MHz)
Associated with cc:af:78:69:63:70
WPA: Key negotiation completed with cc:af:78:69:63:70 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to cc:af:78:69:63:70 completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]

3. Untuk dapetin IP address dynamic pake: dhclient [interface]
contoh: root@bt:~# dhclient wlan0

Mudah2an berguna :D :D

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